
Saturday 5 July 2014

On 08:05 by Vishal Sawlani in    No comments
Parenting!! For me the word parenting brings a sense of responsibility, maturity and confidence to prepare kids for the whole life as social and prolific human being and ensuring kid’s health and safety besides ensuring transmission of cultural values. Think about our parents and I am sure, we all tend to find our parent’s parenting style as one of the best in the world. Gone are the days when parents belonging to Gen-X used to be present physically all the time to take care of their kids and in absence of parents, grandparents used to take care of their grandchildren. Parenting could be one of the most rewarding yet challenging jobs as parents are responsible for shielding kids from physical and psychological pain/injuries. Parents are children’s first and foremost teachers, guide, counselors and nurturers.

We all are rolling very fast to maintain socio status and in 21st century, it is very surprising to see the way parenting style has been changing. For me, Gen Z parenting can be defined as giving adequate space to kids and themselves both to ensure self-development and self-learning of their kids.

Gen Z parenting has brought lot of challenges pertaining to kid’s development, kid’s access to tech stuff, parents living style, external environment’s influence on kids. If you are living in a nuclear family, one question will always keep bothering you – “how can I look after my child whilst I am at work?”
With the increased number of working mothers, nowadays more often than not we see more and more young kids are being left at home in the hands of caretaker. As I had mentioned earlier, the whole parenting style has gradually changed due to the fact that the extended family system has been replaced with the nuclear family model. This is something unreal, because if caretaker is looking after your child, she will not meet your expectations. For me, it is very disturbing to see that parents are trying to replace themselves completely with caretakers in order to ensure that work life balance.

What Gen Z parents are ignoring here is the void which is being created intuitively between parents and their children at the very early age of their growth journey because caretaker cannot perform like parents who otherwise could have taken care of their children from the bottom of their heart. This could be dangerous further due to lack of proper attention from parents, Gen Z kids might develop separation anxiety.
Nowadays, very often you might have observed that parents either hang around at various malls, events and tourist places with their caretaker taking care of their kids. I feel very sickened when I see such mean parents who take their responsibilities as burden or as a tedious job and feel very pity for such kids who don’t get much deserved attention and love from their parents.
Parents need to nurture and teach their children how to act. They should realize and acknowledge about small kids expectations towards them. It is unwise to let our children‘s caretaker perform our key role. Gen-Z Parents must understand that they should not be over-ambitious to the extent that they sacrifice the love of their children. We all might have heard of incidents where some parents leave their kids to sleep with the caretaker because they are too tired to wake up and feed the child. Sometimes, I have observed kids preferring their caretakers to take care of them instead of their own parents, and this is simply because the child feels rejected by their parents. I wish to advise such parents to   give enough attention and spend time with their kids as it strengthens their bond with the baby.

Gen Z parents must find a midway solution to ensure their adequate attention during this most precious part of kid’s growth and development journey. Gen Z parents should not compromise on their kid’s social, emotional and intellectual development. It’s always advisable that one shouldn’t take the responsibility of parents unless one is ready to deal with it emotionally.

 It is parents only who choose the way their kids to be taken care either by themselves or by caretaker. “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”



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